Mrs. Nisha Ramchandani Head of SEN
At Indian Language School, we strive to support all children to enable them to achieve their potential at school. Indian Language School has children with varied needs. There are children from different economic and social backgrounds. There are children with different needs. We have children on the Autism Spectrum, Slow Learners, ADD, ADHD, Dyslexic and Gifted children.
All students are provided an effective common learning environment:
CWSN are encouraged to take part in all extracurricular activities such as Games, Music, Art and Dance.
The children who are attention deficit are made to sit in a place where there are less distractions. They are involved in errands where they get an opportunity for some movement. During exams they are provided a quieter environment.
How we identify when a child has a special educational need:
Each child’s progress is regularly monitored and termly assessed by teachers, so we pick up when progress is slower than expected at an early stage. Additionally, children are identified as needing extra support through:
We always consult with parents before involving specialist educational psychologist agencies.
What are the concessions provided by the CBSE for CWSN:
At the time of Admission
The guidelines for inclusive education of children with disabilities mandate schools to ensure that no child with ‘special needs’ is denied admission into mainstream schooling.
Curriculum Concessions
Third language exemptions (Classes VI to VIII)
(a) The following categories of students are exempted from studying a third language (classes VI to VIII): Visually impaired students, students with speech and hearing impairments, students with dyslexia, students who have the impairments listed under the Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995
Second language exemptions (Class X examinations)
(b) Students with disabilities recognized by the CBSE may opt for only one language (typically Hindi or English) and take other subjects as an alternative, for Class X examinations
Private Candidates (Class X and XII examinations)
(c) Students with disabilities applying as private candidates who are bonafide residents of Delhi can opt for Music, Painting, Home Science as the subjects of study, for their class X and XII examinations
Physical Education Exemptions (Class X examinations)
(d) Physiotherapy exercises will be considered equivalent to Physical and Health Education course of the Board for Class X examinations
During Examinations
(i) Scribes: All students with disabilities recognized by the CBSE are permitted to use a scribe. The use of the scribe can be used in addition to the grant of extra time
(ii) Compensatory time
Students with disabilities recognized by the CBSE are permitted to avail of extra time for completing their examination paper.
(iii) Special provisions for autistic children
An autistic candidate is permitted to use the services of a scribe or an adult prompter.
How can your child avail of the benefits of inclusive education?
To avail of concessions offered to students with disabilities, a student must be certified. The following methods of certification are accepted:
(a) A Disability Certificate issued by government hospitals controlled by either the Central or State Governments
(b) A Disability Certificate issued by recognized institutes of national level viz National Association for the Blind, Spastic Society of India etc or
(c) A Disability Certificate issued by Non-governmental Organizations/practitioners registered with Rehabilitation Council of India/Central Government/Delhi NCT Government
How to avail of examination concessions for class X and XII?
Examination concessions are granted by the Regional Office of the CBSE which has jurisdiction over the school.
To avail of examination concessions on the grounds of disability, the student must submit a request in writing along with the medical certificates and recommendation of the head of school in which they study while they are in class IX (for the Xth board exam) or class XI (for the XIIth board exam) to the school.
The School, when it receives such a request, must forward the request to the concerned Regional Office promptly and in time for the Regional Office to acknowledge and make arrangements.
How to avail of classroom accommodations?
To availe of classroom accommodations for students with disabilities, it would be advisable to submit a request letter with the certification required and the relevant circular to the Head of the School.
These exemptions/concessions are outlined in the circular and are applicable for the 2020 examination onwards. The link to the above document is mentioned below. (dates mentioned in the circular are subject to change as per CBSE directives).
☛ User Name: Admission Number of Your ward.
☛ Password : student123 (or your changed password)
☛ you may use the same credentials to log in to the Mobile App.
☛ School Code is : ilsng
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