The Academic session is divided into two Terms; Term 1 and Term 2.
Students in all classes will be assessed throughout the year on academics, extracurricular activities, and core values.
If a child is absent on any working day, an official Email/leave letter addressed to the Principal has to be submitted by the parent.
Grade LKG & UKG: Regular assessments are done
Grade I-IV: Weekly Tests will be conducted.
Grades will be allotted on the basis of their day-to-day work.
Grade V-VIII: Will have 2 weekly tests in each subject every term,Half Yearly and Annual Examination.
Grade IX&XI: Will have 1 Unit Test in each subject in both the terms ,Half Yearly Examination and Annual Examination.
Grade X & XII: 1 test in each subject in both the Terms, Half Yearly ,Pre-Preliminary and Preliminary Examination.
Leave on the day prior to any Test/Exam is not permitted; unless there is a leave letter from the parent stating a valid reason. Repeated absence prior to an exam/class test is not allowed unless a doctor’s certificate is brought by the child.
In case of illness, Parents should not send a child to the school only for the test. The child will be sent back without taking a test.
If a child is absent due to certain unavoidable reasons or illness, the office must be informed. The Principal reserves the right to deal with each case on its merit. The decision of the Principal will be final.
All the checked weekly test papers are to be signed by the parents.
Any child who does not appear for the Term Exams has to give a written application. He/ She will be promoted to the next class on the basis of one re-exam or the year’s performance only if he/she fulfills the attendance rule. The final decision will lie with the Principal. In such a case the student will not be eligible for any academic reasons.
The School encourages the students not to indulge in any malpractices during the Tests/Examinations.
Promotions are decided at a joint meeting of all the teachers concerned and due consideration is given to each case. The decision of the panel is therefore final and cannot be reconsidered.
m. It is compulsory that a student of Grade VIII has to pass in Hindi.
Parents are requested to go through the Edu next portal for home work, worksheet, school activities, announcements, notices etc in the interest of the children.
The school encourages the students to attend classes regularly. Students will face consequences for Mass bunking.
The child should have attend at least 75% of the total number of working days.
Long leave of absence will be granted to a child only on prior written application from parents /guardians. All leave applications must be addressed to the Principal.
Also Parents/Students need to apply their leave on Edu next Apply Leave option.
Quarantine period of 15 days, for contagious diseases such as measles, mumps, chicken pox etc. should be strictly followed. Students who return to school after recovering should furnish a doctor’s certificate stating that the child is clear of the infection and is fit to join school.
☛ User Name: Admission Number of Your ward.
☛ Password : student123 (or your changed password)
☛ you may use the same credentials to log in to the Mobile App.
☛ School Code is : ilsng
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