ILS students are expected to
Meeting with Teachers
a. Parents can meet the teachers according to the schedule given in the school calendar or by prior appointment.
b. In case of a change, the information will be posted on the school website
c. Parents are requested not to phone teachers at home unless they have been invited to do so.
d. Parents are not allowed to go directly to the classrooms to meet the teachers.
e. An appointment can be taken if the parent wants to meet the concerned teacher.
f. Parents should refrain from approaching teachers to discuss their wards at the end of the day unless they have a prior appointment.
The Parent Teacher Association holds elections to the Executive Committee in the month of July/August. Parents are requested to participate actively in the P.T.A.
Parents desirous of applying for a concession in the school dues should collect a scholarship form from the school office.
School dues are not refundable if the child does not join the school.
☛ User Name: Admission Number of Your ward.
☛ Password : student123 (or your changed password)
☛ you may use the same credentials to log in to the Mobile App.
☛ School Code is : ilsng
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