Mrs. Sonali Gupta
Education is the base of every society. It is often said that what and how we learn in school determines who we become as individuals in life. Education determines our ability to communicate, solve problems, our interpersonal relationships and how we perceive the world around us. With the blending of technology in every walk of life there is a dire need for innovation in education to meet the challenges of the fast-changing and unpredictable globalized world.
There is still a significant gap between the potential of modern education and what students actually learn at school. Many educators still practicerote and old ineffective methods of teaching and learning. The adoption and exploration of innovative ideas in education is often slowand the acceptability to the change is very low.
Since the delivery by teacher and expectations of students is mismatched most of the students have short attention span during class,feel unengaged and resort to in disciplinary activities in classrooms.
Integrating Art in learning gives diverse opportunities to learners and makes learning interesting,engaging, faster and efficient.
Facilitating learning based on different learning styles is yet another way to engage learners. Technology allows teachers to individualize lesson plans to different students and their unique styles of learning.
The focus of present educators should be to teach students to become innovative thinkers, learn leadership skills, and think creatively and independently. Educators need to prepare students for the future by empowering them with technology-based skills, allowing students to learn, early on, to embrace and take advantage of the tools technology offers.
Today’s education systems are required to be both effective and efficient, or in other words, to reach the goals set for them while making the best use of available resources
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